Ballooning at night

Have you ever seen something unusual in the darkness of the night, such as a large round object? Fear not, this is not a UFO. It’s probably a hot air balloon flying at night. After all, it’s fun to meet the sun in a hot air balloon…

We recommend this flight: for adventurers and for those who do not sleep at night.

Flight conditions: Flight time is adjusted in advance and may vary depending on meteorological conditions. The balloon starts 1 hour before sunrise and goes down after sunrise. The flight requires the appropriate wind strength and direction. Flying in at least 3 people.

If you are flying for the first time, you will be baptized according to the old aviation traditions, you will be given honorary titles and baptismal names served with first flight certificates.

For flight conditions and prices, please contact tel. +370 652 00510 or by e-mail
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