The 2024 hot air balloon season is open, we invite you to go up!

Hot air balloon flight instruction



 Every person will get unforgettable impressions while flying by hot air balloon. The flight will be even more pleasant if you know some following nuances:

  1.  The exact meeting time and place will be confirmed by SMS to your mobile phone or e-mail within 6 – 12 hours before the flight. The pilot will define the meeting and take-off point depending on wind direction and speed.
  2. Hot air balloons in Lithuania usually fly in April – October. In summer balloons fly in the mornings (5AM-9AM), while termics (vertical air flows) haven’t started, and evenings (6PM-9PM), when termics became quiet. In autumn – spring morning flights start a bit later (8AM), evening flights – earlier (4PM).
  3. Hot air balloon flights completely depend on meteorological situation: cloudiness, rainfall, visibility, wind speed etc. Usually meteo forecast is available 3 days before a flight, but sometimes the forecast is inaccurate or incomplete. Therefore, for safety reasons the flight may be cancelled even in the balloon’s launching place.
  4. The average duration of the hot air balloon flight is 1 hour, but the whole process (preparation for the flight, instruction, flight, packing the balloon after flight, certificate giving ceremony and getting back) lasts for 3-4 hours.
  5. Usually 6-16 persons fly in one hot air balloon. If you would like to fly without other people you should discuss this with the organisers of the flight in advance.
  6. Before the flight passengers are instructed by the pilot. You should listen carefully and obey the instructions. Do not hesitate to ask your pilot, if something is unclear. You should be attentive to the pilot during the whole flight.
  7. The pilot may ask you to help to prepare the balloon for the flight, of course, if you want and can do it.
  8. If you have some health problems or you are pregnant it is better to consult with the doctor before the flight. In any case, you must inform the us about your health problems or pregnancy before registration.
  9. During the preparation and the flight, it is better to wear trousers, jacket or long-sleeved shirts (preferably from flameproof material), clunky shoes and have leather gloves. In mornings the grass is usually wet, therefore, rubber boots are more comfortable. In evenings at the landing place there can be many mosquitoes, therefore you would feel more comfortable wearing long-sleeved shirts. Preparing for the flight, during the flight or after landing you may get dirty, so do not smarten up. A cap is highly recommended – it will protect you from the heat of the burners.
  10. No alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances before and during the flight! and smoke before and during the flight.
  11. It is forbidden to carry guns, explosives and any other dangerous goods in a balloon.
  12. Usually it isn’t cold during a flight (we have our own heating!), except if we will lift up to 1 km or more! The temperature in the balloon during a flight is the same as the ground + the heat of the burners. But if we lift up to 1 km or more, the outside temperate there drops about 6,5 degrees / km.
  13. Balloons always fly along the wind. Therefore, we never know in advance, where exactly the balloon will land. Hot air balloon is always followed by the ground crew. Balloon pilot has constant radio connection with the car. After the flight hot air balloon and passengers are brought back to the meeting place by the car.
  14. You can take camera on-board, but on your own responsibility. It is recommended to put camera in a soft holster, which could protect it from possible mechanical damage during landing. Passengers are responsible for their personal things during and after the flight.
  15. For any questions, please call us +370 652 00510 (you can also use Viber or WhatsApp) or e-mail .

We wish you a very pleasant flight!